Established in 1957 the group has a special devotion to St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Members of the Altar Society clean and care for the Church altar, sanctuary, sacristy, and the adoration chapel. Members also assist in the care for the plants and arranging the interior decor as directed by the pastor. St Joseph Altar Society meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 6pm in the Church. For more information contact Kelly Blackmon @ 463-2277
Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive "to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow and sickness." St Joseph's Court of St Barbara meets the 1st Monday of the month @ 6:00pm in Kern Hall.
Contact: Bea Fontenot @ 463-4873
An ecumenical organization providing food staples to the needy of the community, St Joseph Church helps by providing non-perishable breakfast items. The 2nd weekend of each month is dedicated to collecting these items. There are receptacles that remain in the vestibule of Church for this purpose. However, food items may be brought to the church office or directly to God's Food Box located at 711 Mahlon St- 463-4449
"Guide our feet in the way of peace." The Come Lord Jesus is a program committed to forming small Catholic faith communities. Members follow a well-defined, balanced structure for spiritual formation based on the recommendations of the Second Vatican Council. Centered around the four basic elements: Prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Fellowship, elements inspired by the Holy Spirit and practiced in the early Church (Acts 2:42). The primary mission of the program is to help members be transformed into the very image of Christ, who is love. There are 3 groups that meet in Dry Creek. They meet on Tuesdays @ 9:30am, Wednesday @ 6 pm & Thursday @ 9:30 am and 6:00pm.
Contact: Angela Lannen @ 337-40-0078, Sonia Maskas 337-396-4677, Bea Fontenot @ 463-4873, or Eva Darce @ 337-401-6357.
Boys and girls from grade 4 and above may serve. Servers are trained by the Pastor and then scheduled monthly.
Contact Gracia Acosta @ 463-6878
This ministry assists the clergy with the distribution of communion under both species. This assistance is offered at Mass and also to the sick, homebound and hospitalized parishioners. Those interested in the ministry should contact
Gracia Acosta @ 463-6878
This ministry involves those who feel they have a gift for public reading and have been called to proclaim the Word of God. A training session is required and workshops are offered periodically for a continuing enrichment. Those interested contact
Gracia Acosta @ 463-6878
The mission of Eucharistic Adorers is to be disciples for Jesus by bringing themselves and others to Him in Adoration for His help to grow in personal spirituality. By extension, the spirituality of our Parish and the larger Church will grow. Adoration is Wednesdays with exposition immediately following the 12:10 Mass and reposition, with Benediction at 4:00 pm. Two adorers are required to be present whenever the Eucharist is exposed. There is a sign up sheet in the northex (foyer) of the church.
Contact Julie Roussel @ 463-6878
Hospitality Ministers greet the assembly and are responsible for seating those who come to Mass and for collecting the monetary offerings. They are also available for necessary information and personal help.
Contact John Burch@ 337-396-4233
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age or older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Imagine being a part of an organization that fills your heart and mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference.
Contact: Charlie Lannen@1-225-571-9414
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which adults enter the Catholic Church. It is a process consisting of several stages. The inquiry stage is a period in which interested persons meet once a week in a group setting with the pastor or facilitator and the RCIA team. Presentations are given and discussion is invited concerning aspects of Catholicism which a non-Catholic might first notice or become curious about. The inquiry state is a period of several months, lasting usually from September to December. The entire process is lengthly, but allows time to discern wheter the choice of entering the Catholic Church is right for the individual.
If you would like more information contact the church office @ 463-6878 or Angela Lannen@ 337-401-0078